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PEKANA‘s anniversary year is drawing to an end. 40 years in which we have shaped our destiny, while also enduring the occasional crisis. In these unpredictable times, thinking about the future can be difficult for all of us.

Many new challenges continue to assail us, testing us and confronting us with unanswered questions. Against this background it is not always possible to find inner peace. Yet it is precisely now that we should be striving to find the right balance, to strengthen our bodies and bring harmony to our thoughts. Developing new ways to promote human health during changing times – this has been our self-imposed mission for a long time. The terms “prevention” and “health promotion” are often associated or synonymous with the concept of health.

Alongside our existing pharmaceutical program, our new range of mouth oils should be seen in the same light. Since time immemorial, there has been growing awareness of the mouth as an entry point for pathogens. These days, we are increasingly reconnecting with this old, familiar knowledge. Indeed, the motto of this year‘s Dental Health Day – “Health begins in the mouth” – perfectly underlines this approach.

We are delighted to showcase the new range of mouth oils from PEKANA in the current issue of our magazine, and wish you the best of health for the months and years ahead.

Katharina Beyersdorff, CEO

Dr. Marius Beyersorff, CEO