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Since our founding, future-oriented action in harmony with humans and nature has been one of our priorities. In order to intensify our efforts in that direction, we consciously strive to accomplish the tasks we are confronted with every day with the aspects of sustainability in mind. Everyone is talking about sustainability right now, but everyone has a different interpretation. We think it is particularly important to view the three pillars of sustainability – economy, ecology, and social aspects – as equals. With the measures we implement, we hope to integrate the pillars and consciously focus on short- and medium-term goals as a means of attaining continuous results. This generally shorter time frame enables us to assess our performance objectively and quantitatively in the same year without losing sight of the company’s long-term orientation. In 2021, for example, we are targeting emissions savings in the transport sector and converting to a new chilling system that works with a carbon-neutral refrigerant. All of our sustainability efforts are driven by our strong motivation to successfully implement our plans. Our goal is to support the health of our customers while actively contributing to sustainability.

Katharina Beyersdorff, CEO

Dr. Marius Beyersdorff, CEO